Friday, December 20, 2013


I had baked chocolate cupcakes with boiled chocolate icing.....and boiled chocolate icing  is one thing you definitely need to eat before you die.

 In Titus 2, Paul tells men they should exhibit love, patience and  self control besides some other qualities.  When he got to women, Paul said, "Similarly, women should also..." meaning  women should exhibit the qualities I expect from men (which is actually the fruit of the Spirit)  plus a couple of others as well. 

 I had thought a lot about self control  since I stood up in front of all these women and taught Titus 2, telling them the reason we are to teach younger women is because we've been there, done that, done it the wrong way, learned the right way and are now following that way which is God's way...allowing Him to work in us so we produce the fruit of the which is found...self control.  

So in light of that,  I was going to have one portion (one half cup...which is a minuscule amount if you've not measured anything recently) of mint chocolate chip ice cream with my one chocolate cupcake.   A friend had left it for us the night quart, unopened.  

I searched everywhere and could not find it.   So I called to my husband, "Do you know where the ice cream is?"

"I ate it."


"In two sittings so it really didn't count as the whole thing."  Both sittings were in like a two hour time frame.  I think that counts.  

I was outraged.  Do you know what his cholesterol numbers are?  And mine are stellar...and my weight is stellar so I was the perfect person to let him have it.  Which I did.  Facts + guilt.  A ton of guilt.


We went for a silence ...while he tried his best to walk my legs off to prove that my BMI might be better than his  but he was in better shape than me...HA!

We are out in the country....walking like men possessed,  by a big pond...quiet, serene.  

You got it
             ...and God said,

"I gave you the word 'self control' two days ago, to ponder this week.  I watched you prepare all that food for the party yesterday.  And sample it all...and sample it all through the party.  I never let you have it."

I wondered where  mercy..or love...or patience that has been so prominent in my readings lately, went.  Instead of a rant, what about, "Honey, I'm concerned about your health.  I want you around when we're both old and decrepit," and then let it go, hug him and walk away?  When did both barrels change behavior?"

Good question.    Never. 

I make a good trainer.  I've done it all the wrong way first.  Or second...or third....  

I am so grateful though that God's mercies are new every morning.  Great is His faithfulness.

And if I am reflecting mercies should be new every morning as well. 

What a thought.

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