Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Job's Friends

I've been in this particular daily Bible for about 13 years so I've read through Job about 13 times just with this book alone....not counting any other time I've read through it over the years.  

Usually I kind of speed read through his friends' comments because I know that in the end, God was NOT happy with them or anything they said and the only reason their sorry hides were saved at all  was because He allowed Job to offer sacrifices on their behalf.

But this time, I've read every word.  I'm down to Elihu, the young man who listened to all the old men talk and then when they were done, blasted all of them....including Job. 

This time I realized how often I am like Job's friends.  I love God with all my heart and soul and mind....most the time...well, a good portion of the AIM is to.   That is my goal.

And so often, I think I have it all figured out.  I read, discern, mull over, meditate on and then form an opinion .... and express it.  God's defense attorney. Like He needs one.    You cannot walk out of a room and say, "I have no idea what she thought."  You know.  And I think I'm usually right.

Like Job's friends.  Oh my.  

And they were JOB's friends.  Job, the one God described as blameless and upright, fearing God and shunning evil.  I'd think he'd pick pretty good friends don't you? Godly Job enough for Job to hang out with them.   Good enough for them to come hang out with Job when he was dirt poor and covered with oozing sores.  Now that's a friend.

They were NOT right.  Their whole point of view, stated in many words with great passion, was that Job must have done something wrong.  That's why God was judging him so harshly.  

They didn't have a clue.  All their years of studying God, they got a lot right about God, but their conclusions were dead wrong.  

God's ways were higher than their ways, His thoughts higher than their thoughts.  No way they could comprehend what He was doing even if He told them.

And I try to explain every situation?

The older I get, the more I realize it's not all zipped up tight.  He reveals the deep and hidden things that He wants to reveal and no more.  In the end, God didn't explain anything to Job.  Job just bowed in deep humility when God spoke.

I realized this morning that the older we get, and the more we realize this, the more humble we should become.  The more humility should define us versus fiery oratory,  impassioned defense.  A quiet explanation of the understanding we have been given to this point in time with the admission that we are open to further light on the subject....would probably be better received. further light on the subject. Given by Him.  Through His word. Through prayer.  Through meditation.  

Job clung to what he knew was true despite the three to one ratio against him.  

The loud, articulate majority isn't always right.

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