Sunday, May 19, 2013

Trust Once Removed

Trust Once Removed

I met a friend today for Bible study.  She is Chinese, graduating this summer with her Masters.  She has been doing research on biomass.  Goes without saying...she is very smart.  Anyone who can do anything in a lab after lighting a bunsen burner is incredibly smart in my book.

Two  of the first  people she met here were a Chinese couple who invited her to a Bible study at their home.  A year and a half later, she came to faith.  I watched the transformation.

It is my understanding that when Mao came to power, he did away with all religion so children have been taught by parents and the state that there is no god.

Then they come to America and are told, "Well, yes, in fact there is. There is one God.  He created the universe....and He had a son whose name is Jesus who came to earth to pay the price for our rebellion against we could have a relationship with Him.  He lived as a man, was crucified, rose from the dead and lives today."


I'm used to people who have heard this story since the womb.  You jump right in at the middle of the story.

I've never run into a face full of wonder.  I've never had someone tell me that they understand what I'm saying...but it will have to touch their heart before they decide what to do with this new information.

How did she know that...the heart thing.  She made that statement about a year before she trusted Jesus.  I was so grateful she would not be another believer....whose knowledge stopped at their head and never invaded their heart.

He invaded her heart.  She  fully embraced her Savior.

So she has applied for a job in a tiny (pop. 2500) Southern town where she would work (if hired) for six months to a year before being moved to the headquarters of this company which is in a city of a couple of million.  I am comfortable with the city part.  I am not comfortable with the tiny Southern town part.  With no Asians.  Where she'll stand out...all alone.

And I realize once again that I say words I have a hard time trusting.  Me, the old disciple..she the brand new babe who is trusting words I tell her...which are true. And  I know they're true.  It's just that trust, once removed is really difficult.  Not impossible...just difficult.  It makes me realize how well I parrot scripture until He puts me in a situation where I  have to really mean it and model it for someone who's watching me.

So I tell myself that ....
The Lord is her Shepherd ... because He is her Heavenly Father.  She now has Him to shepherd her.  Before it was just....her.   And shepherding  is His responsibility and He takes it seriously. I am just someone He used along the way.

She has all she needs because she has Him.....even in a tiny Southern town   where no one looks like  her.  I googled churches in that town and there were twenty two...count  'em...22....Baptist churches and three Assemblies of God.   Did they get mad and keep splitting?  Are the Presbyterians and Methodists just out of luck? Will any of  them teach Jesus so she can understand and will they love her like she's been loved here?

He will make her lie down in green pastures.
He will restore her soul....He will teach her how to rest ... and rest in Him...and
trust Him.
He will lead her on the right path...for His names sake.  When no one else is
there, He will lead her in such a way that she will know it is Him and it will
be clear what she is to do.   And He is good at  leading babes.  He's had lots of practice.

And even when she walks through deep valleys and difficult times, there will be evidence of His care all around her....she will recognize His hand.

He will bless her...her cup will overflow.
Surely goodness and mercy will follow her all the days of her life
And she will dwell in the the presence  of The Lord ...forever.

He gave me His Word.  

Now I'll breathe :)

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