Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Titus Wisdom

Titus Wisdom

The verse said to "deny godlessness and worldly lusts and to live in a sensible, righteous and godly way in the present age."  Titus 1:11

I generally shoot right through verses like this...they sound so ...dated.  How funny!  The whole Bible is IS old.  But this sounds like a 1952 tent revival preacher.

This verse stopped me I broke it down..there must be meaning there that I've missed because I never stopped to look.

Deny godlessness.  Deny anything where God is not.  Am I in any situation where God is not.  God is everywhere but have I gone in alone and shut the door.  The situation now is godless because I've not held the door open and said, "You come in too."

I'm standing in a store looking at some shoes....that are precious.  My credit card is maxed out.  I have 48 pairs of shoes.  In fact, I have 14 pairs of pink shoes but of course not this particular shade of pink.  I pause, take a deep breath but remain silent.  I have gone in this room alone.

I don't have to be a disciple of Jesus to know I shouldn't buy those shoes.  I don't even need to be a disciple of Dave Ramsey to know I shouldn't buy those shoes.  Common Sense tells me I don't need to buy those shoes.

The Bible does speak to gluttony and self control and lots about the wise use of money.  And it agrees with Dave Ramsey and Common Sense...I shouldn't buy those shoes.

What I possess however, that many don't,  is the Holy Spirit.  He  lives within me.   I am no longer under law, I'm under grace.  Sin is no longer my master.  (Romans 6) meaning that   I don't have to buy those shoes.  There is resident within me, the power to put those shoes down and walk away.

I know I know I know.  But I remain silent, just standing and the pink shoes.

Often that's me.....maybe not with pink shoes...but in that position, with that posture...silent.

Yesterday I read Ephesians 5:11  "Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness but instead even expose them."  Open my mouth...expose exactly what it is....sin.  Bottom line.

Open the door.  Invite God in.  Turn to Him and say, "My credit card is maxed out.  I do not need another pair of shoes in any color.  This is a worldly lust because lust is an intense desire or craving and that pretty much describes me right now.  I know it's worldly because its not coming from You.  So I am going to put this shoe down and walk away because I choose You and I choose to live where You are.... not where You are not."   And walk away.

What I've learned is that I get in situations like this and never open my mouth.  I choose not to deny godlessness and worldly lusts because I want it so badly. So I stand there...and  I remain silent.

It's not that we don't know, we don't realize, that help is not available.  We just don't open our mouths.

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